Coronavirus (Covid-19) Practice Update

As Healthcare Professionals we at Broadland Hearing Care want to continue to provide a service for as long as is practicable.

We have always sanitised the Consulting Room between Patients with alchohol based Clinic sanitising products. Handwashing facilities are available to Patients too.

PLEASE NOTE - Any Patients displaying any symptoms of the Covid-19 infection are politely requested NOT to request an appointment. You should heed Government advice to self isolate and contact the NHS 111 service online. Any Patients displaying any of the symptoms will be asked to leave the Clinic.

In order to minimise risks to both our Patients and Staff we will have to change the way we operate whilst we are in the midst of this international crisis.

To this end we will no longer have a walk in service availaibe.

In order to enter the Clinic we ask that you either telephone for an appointment, on 01692 661080, or submit and equiry via our website using the ‘Contact Us’ tab and we will call you back within Practice operating hours.

We also ask that Clients with an appointment to please not arrive early, but be on time please. We are aiming for one Client in at a time and have no Clients waiting in reception for their appointment.

Thank you for your understanding at this time.