We are very pleased to announce that as of Monday 1st June 2020 we will be open again for ear wax removal, hearing tests and for existing Clients who have issues with their hearing.
We are not currently allowed to carry out routine appointments for existing Clients and will be contacting you to rearrange your appointment.
Please note that in order to keep you and ourselves as safe as possible we will be operating a locked door, appointment only service.
You will need to either telephone the Practice on 01692 661080 or email on enquiries@broadlandhearingcare.co.uk or submit an enquiry via the 'Contact Us' button on our website to book an appointment.
All payments by card only please.
By accepting your appointment, you have agreed to the best of your knowledge
You or anyone in your household does not have COVID-19.
You do not have a new, continuous cough.
You do not have a high temperature (37.8C or over)
You do not have a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
No one in your household has a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or a change to their sense of smell or taste.
You are not deemed a high risk patient by your GP or the government.
Should the situation change between now and your appointment, please call us to re- arrange, thank you.
Your Responsibilities –
Arrive at the allotted and agreed appointment time. Please do not arrive any earlier or later than your appointment time as we are operating a locked door policy and will not have the facility for you to wait inside the clinic.
On entering the premises, you will be required use hand sanitizer which will be provided to you. You will also be required to wear a surgical mask which again will be provided to you.
If when within the clinic you need to cough or sneeze please warn the audiologist by raising your hand, or put your mouth into your sleeve or a tissue if a warning is not possible.
Follow the instructions of the audiologist and please indicate if you do not understand anything.
On leaving please remove your face mask and place in the relevant waste disposal and sanitize your hands again before exiting.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call us on 01692 661080