COVID-19 Practice Update - Reopening on Monday 1st June 2020

We are very pleased to announce that as of Monday 1st June 2020 we will be open again for ear wax removal, hearing tests and for existing Clients who have issues with their hearing.

We are not currently allowed to carry out routine appointments for existing Clients and will be contacting you to rearrange your appointment.

Please note that in order to keep you and ourselves as safe as possible we will be operating a locked door, appointment only service.

You will need to either telephone the Practice on 01692 661080 or email on or submit an enquiry via the 'Contact Us' button on our website to book an appointment.

All payments by card only please.

By accepting your appointment, you have agreed to the best of your knowledge

You or anyone in your household does not have COVID-19.

You do not have a new, continuous cough.

You do not have a high temperature (37.8C or over)

You do not have a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

No one in your household has a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or a change to their sense of smell or taste.

You are not deemed a high risk patient by your GP or the government.

Should the situation change between now and your appointment, please call us to re- arrange, thank you.

Your Responsibilities –

  1. Arrive at the allotted and agreed appointment time. Please do not arrive any earlier or later than your appointment time as we are operating a locked door policy and will not have the facility for you to wait inside the clinic.

  2. On entering the premises, you will be required use hand sanitizer which will be provided to you. You will also be required to wear a surgical mask which again will be provided to you.

  3. If when within the clinic you need to cough or sneeze please warn the audiologist by raising your hand, or put your mouth into your sleeve or a tissue if a warning is not possible.

  4. Follow the instructions of the audiologist and please indicate if you do not understand anything.

  5. On leaving please remove your face mask and place in the relevant waste disposal and sanitize your hands again before exiting.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call us on 01692 661080

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Practice Update

We have decided that, due to the current circumstances, for the health and safety of both our Clients and Staff to close the Practice until the end of June 2020. We will review the decision at that stage.

Any Clients who have urgent needs please either use the 'Contact Us' tab on the website, or email us on, or leave a message on 01692 661080. We will regularly check our answer phone and call you back.

Thank you for your understanding in these difficult times.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Practice Update

As Healthcare Professionals we at Broadland Hearing Care want to continue to provide a service for as long as is practicable.

We have always sanitised the Consulting Room between Patients with alchohol based Clinic sanitising products. Handwashing facilities are available to Patients too.

PLEASE NOTE - Any Patients displaying any symptoms of the Covid-19 infection are politely requested NOT to request an appointment. You should heed Government advice to self isolate and contact the NHS 111 service online. Any Patients displaying any of the symptoms will be asked to leave the Clinic.

In order to minimise risks to both our Patients and Staff we will have to change the way we operate whilst we are in the midst of this international crisis.

To this end we will no longer have a walk in service availaibe.

In order to enter the Clinic we ask that you either telephone for an appointment, on 01692 661080, or submit and equiry via our website using the ‘Contact Us’ tab and we will call you back within Practice operating hours.

We also ask that Clients with an appointment to please not arrive early, but be on time please. We are aiming for one Client in at a time and have no Clients waiting in reception for their appointment.

Thank you for your understanding at this time.

Christmas and New Year 2019/2020 Opening Hours

Our opening and closing dates for the Festive Season:

Monday 23rd December 2019 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Tuesday 24th December 2019 CLOSED

Wednesday 25th December 2019 CLOSED

Thursday 26th December 2019 CLOSED

Friday 27th December 2019 CLOSED

Saturday 28th December 2019 CLOSED

Monday 30th December 2019 CLOSED

Tuesday 31st December 2019 CLOSED

Wednesday 1st January 2020 CLOSED

Thursday 2nd January 2020 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Friday 3rd January 2020 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

We wish all our Clients a peaceful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Open Again

We re-opened for Clients yesterday afternoon, Thursday 7th November.

Still awaiting ceiling tiles in the reception area, along with a lighting unit and one wall which is water stained to be redecorated but we can work around that.

A big thank you to all the Clients, who we had to re-schedule this week, who were very understanding and supportive.

Also a big thank you to the Building Managers and their contractors who were so quick to respond.

Flooding Update

Well, it appears we are now dry. Thanks to two dehumidifiers and an industrial ‘air mover’ That’s a large fan to you and I.

Tomorrow morning the carpets will be sanitised and the electrical safety test will be carried out. So, we should be able to open tomorrow afternoon.

Ceiling tiles being replaced and decorating will hopefully be done next week.

Practice Flooded!

Came into the Practice on Monday, 4th November, to find our reception area flooded, ceiling tiles sodden with water and disintegrated over the Reception desk and floor . Not a good morning!

Transpires one of the flats above the Practice had a leak in their heating system. They were away all weekend so both of us flooded!!

The Landlord has been amazing, organised clear up, dehumidifiers, replacing of the ceiling tiles and redecorating. Not to mention the electrical testing to ensure we are safe.

Unfortunately the Practice will have to close for hopefully no more than a week whilst things dry out and the initial work is carried out. I am here manning the phones however.

Partially cleared

Partially cleared

Tuesday 5th November - Dehumidifier working away

Tuesday 5th November - Dehumidifier working away

Christmas and New Year Opening Times for 2018/2019

Barry and Steven would like to wish all our Client’s and Suppliers a very Merry Christmas along with a Peacful and Happy 2019.

The Practice opening hours over the Festive period are as follows:

Monday 17th December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday 18th December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Wednesday 19th December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Thursday 20th December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Friday 21st December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday 22nd December Closed

Sunday 23rd December Closed

Monday 24th December Closed

Tuesday 25th December Closed

Wednesday 26th December Closed

Thursday 27th December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Friday 28th December 09:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday 29th December Closed

Sunday 30th December Closed

Monday 31st December Closed

Tuesday 1st Janurary Closed

Wednesday 2nd January 09:00am to 5:00pm

Meet Barry...

What were you doing before you started Broadland Hearing Care?

Barry Jones.jpg

I qualified as an Audiologist 12 years ago, and have been practising continuously since qualifying.  Through my experience within the profession I have been able to gain a fully rounded approach and understanding of the Hearing Healthcare Industry and also patient requirements.   Previous to qualifying as an Audiologist I worked within the NHS.



What do you love most about your job? 

People are used to looking after their eyes, and of course their teeth, but so often forget the importance of their ears for taking part in daily conversation, which keeps the mind active.  Educating people about the health of their ears, and giving them back a quality of life to enable their families to communicate effectively with them again by restoring what I can of their hearing.


What will a patient get when they enter the practice/how do you want them to feel?  

They will receive personalised, independent care in addition to the best advice.  I want everyone who walks into the Practice to feel special and appreciated and of course in safe, qualified hands.


How do you want patients to feel when they leave the practice? 

Confident that they have received the best hearing care and advice currently available in North Norfolk.


What does Broadland Hearing mean to you?  

Everything.  I Have worked hard to be able to be in a position to offer the population of North Norfolk genuinely independent hearing care service.


What inspires you?  

Any person who overcomes difficulties, and through self help and determination, strives to be the best that they can be.


When not in the practice where are we likely to find you? 

At home.  Very much a home boy.  Before I lost my dogs to old age you would have found me on Happisburgh beach walking with them, and will again when I am ready for another pair of comedic English Bull Terriers (my favourite breed of dog and the breed I have always had).


Give 3 words to describe Broadland Hearing

Local – Independent – Technology led


If you could be anyone famous dead or alive who would it be?  

I am genuinely happy to be myself thank you!